Hacettepe University Executive Board Decision
International Women's Day
University Introduction Days
Design a Sustainable Future Competition
Hacettepe University Promotion / Introduction Days
Eco-Climate Summit


You can follow the studies, news and developments of the  ECO CLIMATE SUMMIT where Turkey's FIRST and ONLY solution proposals against climate change will be presented on our social media accounts, participate as a "Climate Ambassador" in the summit, where our future will be discussed in the Capital ANKARA and will be held as carbon neutral. To leave a green and livable world, you can support our social media accounts.


To subscribe to our Youtube account  https://youtube.com/channel/UCpvOR10vUKnwORBoWfTl4SQ


To follow our Twitter account   www.twitter.com/eko_iklim


To follow our Instagram account    www.instagram.com/eko_iklim


To follow our Facebook account   https://www.facebook.com/Eko-İklim-Zirvesi-105155342084323


To follow our LinkedIn account    https://www.linkedin.com/company/eko-i%CC%87klim-zirvesi/


To get information about the Eco Climate Fair and Summit from our website and to become a Climate Ambassador   https://imsva91-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=www.ekoiklim.com&umid=A2EE2CA0-DA6A-7805-8BAA-34F5ECD67D0C&auth=c302666d72013cbfbff2cdc07235f636b0fc1e8d-ec0e1f6e8dec3dc8a750c7aba3f6781d4b421b40