Hacettepe University Executive Board Decision
International Women's Day
University Introduction Days
Design a Sustainable Future Competition
Hacettepe University Promotion / Introduction Days

Prof. Dr. Meltem YILMAZ
Dean of Faculty of Architecture

The discipline of architecture has features that shape the spaces used by all humanity in daily life, provide interior comfort, play an important role in creating the identity of cities, include aesthetic values, and reflect the cultures of societies. We, as Hacettepe University Faculty of Architecture, study architecture according to these principles; in harmony and peace with nature, protecting the nature, having an inclusive approach with an artistic background, preserving historical and cultural values and using innovative technologies, designing sustainable principles that take into account natural disasters. Our aim is to train architects who are capable of designing healthy, functional, aesthetic and robust structures for nature and humanity. In line with this purpose, the lessons of our expert faculty members from different national and international disciplines are of great value to us.

Our great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said, “We cannot close our eyes and assume that we live alone. We cannot live without taking care of the world by enclosing our country in a circle. On the contrary, as a developed, civilized nation, we will live above the field of civilization: this life is only possible with science and science. There are no bonds and conditions for science and technology.” In the light of his words, it is among our most important goals to research together with our students by following national and international scientific studies.