International Women's Day
University Introduction Days
Design a Sustainable Future Competition
Hacettepe University Promotion / Introduction Days
Use of Advanced Digital Technologies for the Sustainability of Architectural Heritage

Sub-study Topics

  • Conservation of Cultural Heritage
  • Geographic Information Systems and Digitization
  • Remote Sensing
  • Digital Modeling Techniques in Documentation and Presentation of Historical Artifacts
  • Presentation with Augmented Reality, Holistic Approach in Architectural Conservation
  • Museology

Key Words

Architectural Heritage, Sustainability, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Digitization, Digital Documentation and Modeling Technology

Importance and Reason

Urban conservation is a multifaceted issue in which the complex data structure related to the geographical, architectural, social and economic aspects of historical cities is evaluated. Within the scope of this study, it is necessary to use various advanced digital technologies in order to systematically collect and group the database of a historical city part, which is determined to have a multi-layered character, and to be uploaded to the information systems. Among them, Computer Aided Design (CAD), known as one of the initial tools used to visualize spaces of different scales, will help produce visual data in various disciplines, especially architectural design. In the literature, in addition to CAD, there are studies on anime and virtual tours by arranging the graphic and attribute data of the relevant historical site and building remains through techniques such as Remote Sensing Modelling (Modelling by Remote Sensing Method) and GIS (Geographical Information Systems).